The Eenigenburg Museum

Eenigenburg History Preserved

The Eenigenburg Museum is exciting for our family.  How many families can claim a village that carries its ancestral name, not to mention a museum filled with history to carry on its legacy!

From the magnificent, three-meter-long replica of the Massachusetts of Boston… to the rich history of the village of Eenigenburg… to the inspiring story of early pioneer life in America and the Eenigenburg family today… the museum has brought our family’s history to life as never before. 

But there is more…

The museum is an important tourism site in the Netherlands.  At the time of the 2006 Grand Opening, it featured:

- The beautifully restored workman’s cottage that was the home of the late village historian, Klaas van Schonefeld
- The story of the tragic 1849 voyage to America
- The Eenigenburg Family in America exhibit portraying the history of the settlement of Roseland in Chicago
- A fascinating exhibit on religious persecution over hundreds of years (one of the compelling reasons the Eenigenburg family left Holland)
- The history of the region in Holland where the village of Eenigenburg lies
- Nearby Nuwendoorn Castle and its history dating from the 13th century

In the 25 years since museum creation began, it has flourished. It has been a labor of love in the village that could not have been possible without the constant dedication of the villagers.  Since the beginning, the partnership with the Eenigenburg family has also been legendary.  During the construction years, the family (including many who would never travel to Holland to see it) supported the museum with over $20,000 in cash and the friendship remains strong. 

In recent years, the museum became the recipient of Dutch government funding that has enabled modernization into a beautiful, interactive high-tech facility.  Each year, new annual exhibits are created to encourage repeat visitors.