Museum Funding

During Phase I, the Eenigenburg family conributed nearly $10,000 for the Museum. Much, much more has been raised in the Netherlands – plus countless hours of volunteer labor. While that’s a great accomplishment, there is more work ahead. Hopefully, you’ve read the appeal from the village, and seen the magnitude of the project. We hope it will inspire you to give generously.

All contributors, at any level of giving, will be listed in the museum (by name, not amount). In addition, Special Recognition Levels will give prominent recognition to high-level donors as follows. Won’t you stretch to as high a level as you’re able? And yes, we already have $1,000 contributions!!

Donor Category
Contribution Level
Founder’s Circle
$1,000 plus

$500 - $999

$200 - $499

Let’s back up the extraordinary effort in the village with the full support of every member of our family. Wouldn’t it be incredible to have everyone’s name listed in the museum as a supporter? Just download the Contribution Form and mail with your check.

Project Financial Review

All contributions go directly toward building materials and mortgage expense – since all labor is volunteered. Phase I was completed with very little building expense, and in Phase II, over $97,000 will be saved (by using volunteer labor), from what a fully paid project would have cost! This is a first-rate facility at an extremely reasonable cost.

The project is on solid financial ground. Here’s a quick overview. All figures are rounded in U.S. dollars, based on the conversion rate as of this writing (May, 2004):

Total Estimated Costs
Phase I – Mortgage on property, and renovation of the original house $66,000
Phase II – Demolition of shed and building Documentation Center $68,000
Total Costs $134,000
Total Funds Required
Fundraising to date:
Phase I Contributions (The Netherlands) $25,300
Phase I Contributions (The U.S.) $9,700
Phase II Cash contributions (The Netherlands) $15,000
Phase II Material contributions (The Netherlands) $18,000
Raised as of May, 2004 $68,000
Additional building funds needed $26,000
Mortgage as of May, 2004 $40,000
Total Funds Required $134,000

While the mortgage is currently on an accelerated pay-down schedule by the Foundation, the primary, immediate goal is to raise the additional Phase II building funds. The remaining funds will be raised in a variety of ways, including:

This project is a reality! It is happening!
Won’t you please give generously to help preserve
our family’s heritage.

Know any descendents of the other 1849 emigrant families?

Since the need is great, and since our early history was shared with other families that traveled aboard the Massachusetts of Boston with the Eenigenburgs and their families – we’d like to reach out to them as well. If you know any of their descendents, please pass along this information. We’d love to have them involved with us – and would offer special recognition for any financial contributions.

Please download, print and forward the Contribution Form with your check, payable to the Eenigenburg Museum.